Changing models on VSCode for Edit and Chat

NOTE: You need to be a Cody Pro user to have multi-model selection capability. This is not available for Cody Free or Cody Enterprise users


  1. Open a new chat window (Opt + L)
  2. Click on the default chat name (at the time of writing this is Claude 3 Sonnet)
  3. See selection of models and click the model you desire. This model will now be the default model going forward on any new chats.


  1. On any file select some code and do a right-click
  2. Select Cody->Edit Code (optionally you can do this with Opt + K)
  3. Select the default model available (at the time of writing this is Claude 3 Opus)
  4. See selection of models and click the model you desire. This model will now be the default model going forward on any new edits.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 15.25.54.pngScreenshot 2024-05-17 at 15.26.06.png

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